Developer Documentation
KLI Endpoints
Retrieve detailed information about:
- The insights (Key Lifestyle Indicators KLIs) that are assigned to a single UCIC of the Financial Institution.
- The list of customers (UCICs) that have a single KLI assignment in common, including the other KLIs assigned to each customer.
- Descriptive details for all KLIs assigned to the customers of the Financial Institution.
- Descriptive details for a specific KLI within the Segmint KLI taxonomy, including the count of customers assigned and the list of parent KLIs.
- Retrieve the list of KLI that are categorized within a group (defined as children) of the Segmint KLI taxonomy.
When integrating with Segmint's APIs you should always allow for unknown fields. Segmint reserves the right to add additional fields to its APIs. Segmint will always attempt to not introduce breaking changes into an endpoint. This is often accomplished by the addition of fields. If a breaking change is required clients will be given advanced notice to make the required changes.
Access to API endpoint may be rate limited and have monthly account level quotas, your account representative will have details if this applies to you.